Yin Yoga for Late Winter + Early Spring

Make an easeful transition from late winter into early spring with this hip-focused yin yoga class. Energetically, the meridians associated with spring, the Liver + Gallbladder, are responsible for balancing our emotions. Anatomically, these channels affect the inner thighs, outer hips and front of the spine. This practice will include seated and reclining hip openers as well as supported backbends. Take the opportunity to shed old unwanted layers and make a conscious choice to begin again. Suggested props: a blanket, two blocks and a strap. This class was previously recorded on February 13, 2023 for the Giving Hearts Yoga in support of the Love Your Brain Foundation.


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At Move Well. Be Well. you can expect to be both supported and challenged. We utilize a combination of strength work, myofascial release techniques and yoga practices to both stabilize and downshift the nervous system.

Our collaborative membership model is full of practices to help you stay grounded in your body and at home in your world. With Move Well. Be Well., you have the power to choose the style of class you take, the duration of practice and when it fits in your schedule. These practices are potent. All you have to do is click a button.