Helene Cotton Helene Cotton


Sarah combines her extensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology with deep expertise in yoga, stretching and strengthening to craft unique sessions that address the specific needs of each client. With great sensitivity, caring and upbeat humor, she has steered me through recovery from spine surgeries and injuries to excellent outcomes.


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Helene Cotton Helene Cotton

M Mason

“Sarah Moody is the best yoga teacher I have worked with and she provides so much more than yoga to her clients. She truly understands physiology and can work with any injury or challenge to help keep you flexible and in optimal health. She also has a wicked sense of humor and her sessions are always fun. I highly recommend her for group and individual yoga sessions.”

-M. Mason

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Helene Cotton Helene Cotton


“I have gotten a small group of friends together and we do a private Zoom class every week. We've been learning how to use the tune-up balls at home to help relieve stress and tension. I seriously don't think I could have gotten thru this past pandemic year without her and our crew! I highly recommend her public and private classes - both in-person and on Zoom!!!"


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